Illustrations Advanced Planning Module

668 views August 11, 2017 November 17, 2017 2


Advanced Planning (i.e. Advanced Sales) is an ideal tool to assist you in constructing and presenting illustrations for advanced markets. After you’ve met with the client and identified his or her needs, the Advanced Planning module helps you design the solution.

Note: Some configurations do not support the Advanced Planning module. Additionally, Advanced Sales is not available for some product types (e.g. Term). If you have a product type selected on the Illustrations tab that is not available in Advanced Sales, the Advanced Sales tab will not display.


Using the Advanced Planning Tab

1. Make a selection from the Market dropdown.

Additional dropdown fields and screens populate based on the selection.

2. Review and fill in all applicable information in the screens from the Advanced Sales left navigation. A green check mark in the left navigation indicates that the screen has already been reviewed. Blank check boxes indicate that the screen must still be reviewed.

3. Once all screens have a green check, proceed to the Application tab.


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