iPipeline implemented the ADMServer Macro Language, an XPATH-based system, for expressing business rules and data maps to reduce developer effort and increase work that is business analyst-centric. Working with the macro-language requires a working knowledge of the underlying data model (i.e. ACORD), as well as technical skills typically covered by business analysts. See more information on Macro Language here.
AFFIRM self-documenting code values include the following functions: concat(), substring(), if(), format-dateTime(), count(), boolean(), not(), is-null(), is-not-null(), and let, each described in more detail below. See more information here.
If the Carrier has the DTCC Fulfillment Question support enabled, these question and answers can define their IDs, which will be transmitted through the DTCCs question and answer record.
AFFIRM does not currently output the B3302 record in the DTCC App file by default. Currently it is only supported with customizations for a few carriers.
Currently the B3302 record is not associated with the electronic signature process. The current custom implementation collects a date based on the carrier’s requirements and outputs that date in the B3302 record with qualifier 03 Application Signed Date.
To enable e-Signatures, Carriers must first update their PPfA and DPs to support signature, then the Distributor Profile must be updated. Follow the steps here.